Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Free Support Sessions for Women w/OC and their Caregivers from The Clearity Foundation

Those who follow this website know that I have written several times about The Clearity Foundation a wonderful organization on the West Coast. Yesterday in our Zoom meeting, some women started talking about the free counseling sessions offered - and then I got this email from the organization.  Several of our members have used their support services and have spoken very highly of it. In fact, Donna mentioned yesterday that one of the counsellors will be a guest speaker at the Beth C. Wright Cancer Institute (Zoom) Conference next week. 

Because I wasn't able to upload this brochure in the normal way, none of the links below will probably function but you can reach the site by following this link; other contact options or 1.866.830.5134 (toll free).

Register Now: Virtual Ovarian Cancer Support
Do you know a woman with ovarian cancer who could benefit from our Steps Through OC program? Our services are available, at no charge, to
women with ovarian cancer and their caregivers:

  • Ten sessions of professional support over the course of six months
  • Meetings by telephone or videoconference to any location in the U.S.
  • Educational content, resources and referrals.

As we continue to manage life with COVID-19, the support from Steps Through OC Counselors is as critical as ever, including: providing support in making difficult decisions, dealing with unpredictable emotions, handling the isolation of social distancing and managing uncertainty and stress.

Steps Through OC is effective. Nearly 90% of participants felt that Steps Through OC helped them make progress toward meeting their personal goals. 
Steps Through OC is open to all women and active caregivers managing an ovarian cancer diagnosis, at no charge. To register for the Steps Through OC program, please complete our secure and privacy-protected online 

If you have questions, please contact us directly at: or call (866) 830-5134.
The Clearity Foundation strives to improve the survival and quality of life of women with ovarian cancer. We are dedicated to providing hope to women and their families. Learn more about Clearity's services at
The Clearity Foundation | Steps Through OC Program
Copyright © 2020 The Clearity Foundation

Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer