Friday, September 21, 2018

TTT Ovarian Cancer Retreat 2018, Friday am update 9/21

Kim & Susan
We are having a wonderful time at Camp Kieve for our annual Turning the Tide Ovarian Cancer Retreat. Folks arrived on Wednesday afternoon and here it is, already Friday morning!

I arrived yesterday with Kim, just in time for a wonderfully healthy lunch. We had our annual group photo taken outside which I'll post on line when we get it. It was kind of like herding cats but Donna put on her bossy boots and got us into line!

One of the highlights was our tour around Darmariscotta Lake. We piled into 2 boats with our leaders, Charlie and Henry (thank you guys!!!). Two beautiful dogs (and one baby from another group) also joined us. We got the history of the camp and saw the amazing pristine woods that surround this neck of the lake.

After dinner, our own Katie led us in dance - well it's kind of a stretch calling it "dancing" -  rather it's closer to the intersection of where dancing meets stretching. Amazingly, since I have absolutely no rhythm, she had us all swaying and moving our upper body and feet somehow in unison, to great music. It was delightful!!

Afterwards, those who wanted, joined Patty in a brief meditation before we drifted off either to our rooms or sat by the large fire in the great room to talk.

And that's really the beauty of this camp - it's how we all kind of just magically mix and in the process, get to know each other...and now it's time for my facial.....

ahhh, getting facials

Hi Di!

Walk and Roll(ing)


Sue, keeping us all organized


Melissa, cooking yummy food for us



Carol & Margaret

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