Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Donna Wiegle: Leaving on her Cross-Country Trip To Raise OC Awareness

August 18, 2019by Donna WiegleOrganizer

Just 9 days left until I depart for Coos Bay, Oregon. Last I heard my bike had made it as far as Columbus, OH, expecting to be delivered at Highway 101 Harley Davidson on August 23. I arrive on August 27 and if all goes well on my travels across the country I will begin my ride the following day.

My fundraising is going amazingly well!!! I am just $91 short of $28,000!!!! It is unbelievable how generous both people I know, and those I don't know have been! It's so heartwarming to have so many people supporting me and my mission.

Speaking of support, you can see from my picture here that I am sporting my new black leather vest with my TEAL on WHEELS patch on the back. A lovely lady from Cherryfield, Downeast Maine, sewed the patch on for me and would't accept any payment! I had the same thing happen when Les Foss inspected my teal and white money exchanged hands. Also, when I got the bike serviced by Stanley Gardner at Gardner Racing Concepts...Stanley provided all the parts and labor free of charge to support me.  

It's crunch time now and I still have a long list of things to do, but each day I am making progress towards my departure date. I am excited, nervous, and just a little bit scared! I know everything will work out just fine. I packed 1,000 ovarian cancer symptoms cards rubberbanded in packs of 25, then packed in ziplock bags in my saddlebags of my bike. I hope to distribute every last one on my way across the United States.

If you want to follow my trip, go to and subscribe to my blog on the bottom of the home page. I will be posting frequently from the road.

Thank you for all of your support. It means the world to me!

To donate to Donna's campaign to raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, go to this link

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