Wednesday, July 15, 2020

2020 TTT Virtual Retreat Forms Are Available Here

A letter from Anne Tonachel, the founder of Turning-the-Tide Ovarian Cancer Retreats. To access the forms from this website, go to the "2020 Retreat Info" section shown above. You will be able to download the forms there.

Turning the Tide Ovarian Cancer Retreats
2020 Virtual Retreat
Thursday, October 1 to Saturday, October 3 
 Registration Opens July 15  

Dear friends, old and new,  
            Turning the Tide (TTT) welcomes you to apply to our first virtual retreat. Registration opens on July 15 and all the paperwork is enclosed.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, our retreats have always taken place at a camp in Maine. This year we have called on the ingenuity and generosity of an amazing group of women, many of whom have attended past retreats, to create a virtual event that honors the most important lessons of the Maine camp. Above all, we will create an environment embodying both joy and reflection to create deep and lasting bonds of support among us as we together face the physical, logistical, emotional and spiritual burdens of an ovarian cancer diagnosis. 
This three-day online space is one that you should treat in the same way that you would carve out time away from home and work to spend in Maine, time to rest, time to share and time to strengthen your resilience. At home you will need a place of privacy for yourself so that each woman attending will feel safe to say whatever she needs to talk about with the group. It is vital that your attention to the retreat be sacred, and that you plan to attend the opening, the discussion gatherings, the closing, and as many of the self-care, arts and exercise classes as possible, as the most important gift you will receive by attending the retreat is the kinship of women facing the same challenges as you and looking for wisdom to move forward,. 
To ensure that the virtual retreat maintains the powerful intimacy of the Maine retreat, there will be a limit to the number of applicants we can accept. There is also a sliding-scale registration fee; however, our policy is that no woman is ever turned away for financial reasons and scholarships are readily available.
            We are excited to welcome both old and new participants to TTT and encourage you to send us your application as soon as registration opens on July 15.


                                                                        Anne Tonachel

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