Friday, May 7, 2021

Novel Vaccine Harnesses Tumor Cells to Stimulate Immune Response


BioVaxys, the company that has developed a vaccine to stimulate the immune system, is seeking permission for compassionate use for women with advanced OC in Europe. Additionally, the company has approached the regulatory health agencies in the US and Europe to begin clinical trials in the upcoming months.

BVX-0918A, the vaccine, uses the patient's own cancer cells to make them more recognizable to the body's defense system. Specifically, the vaccine would make the cancer cell more visible for cancer-killing T-cells. BioVaxys is also planning to combine their vaccine with checkpoint inhibitors, another class of cancer medication, that block certain proteins from shutting down the body's immune response. Cancer cells hijack this natural function in the body and therefore hide from the immune system.

To read more about this fascinating research, follow this link.

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